Tuesday, October 21, 2008

...some call it art?

What makes art, art? Although a seemingly simple question, the topic of justifying art as art brings up many other questions, as made evident through our entire class period arguing back and forth about the matter. My belief of art is personal, similar to the postmodern reasoning. I come back to a quote which I kept hearing over and over.
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"
What one may see as trash may be another person's treasure. If one calls their work art, I'll be one to give them the benefit of the doubt and agree, even if I think it's absolutely atrocious. I don't believe that a certain standard must be met in order to justify someones work as art. Art is meant to show feelings and emotions and it is useless wasting our time pondering about what is art and what is not when we could be creating our own.

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